removes all the agent's sessions from a local or remote host. This action has a few other actions as prerequisities to run successfully. This tutorial will go over them briefly, but for more information on them, check their individual tutorial pages.
Here we will first find the known subnet, discover the hosts present on that subnet, choose a host and discover its services, exploit a remote service on that host to gain a user shell on it, privilege escalate that shell to root, then finally withdraw red presence from the host.
Red Agent Preamble
First, we check Red's initial observations to find the subnet Red starts the scenario knowing.
Code Output
{'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'interface_name': 'eth0',
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
'Processes': [{'PID': 5753,
'username': 'ubuntu'}],
'Sessions': [{'PID': 5753,
'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
'agent': 'red_agent_0',
'session_id': 0,
'timeout': 0,
'username': 'ubuntu'}],
'System info': {'Architecture': <Architecture.x64: 2>,
'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4',
'OSDistribution': <OperatingSystemDistribution.KALI: 9>,
'OSType': <OperatingSystemType.LINUX: 3>,
'OSVersion': <OperatingSystemVersion.K2019_4: 11>,
'position': array([0., 0.])},
'User Info': [{'Groups': [{'GID': 0}],
'username': 'root'},
{'Groups': [{'GID': 1}],
'username': 'user'}]},
'success': <TernaryEnum.UNKNOWN: 2>}
Here, the subnet is
We then execute DiscoverRemoteSystems to discover the other hosts present on the subnet.
red_withdraw.py | |
Code Output
{'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'action': DiscoverRemoteSystems,
'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
'agent': 'red_agent_0',
'session_id': 0,
'username': 'ubuntu'}],
'System info': {'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4'}},
'success': <TernaryEnum.TRUE: 1>}
These are:
, and
We then execute ServiceDiscovery on a host for ExploitRemoteService_cc4
to work. Here, we are using AggressiveServiceDiscovery
as stealth is not important for this demonstration. We are investigating the host
, but this is an abitrary choice.
red_withdraw.py | |
We are omitting the observation output here, as it is not necessary in this tutorial.
Now, we run ExploitRemoteService_cc4 on
to gain a user shell on it.
Code Output
{'': {'Interface': [{'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
'Processes': [{'Connections': [{'Status': <ProcessState.OPEN: 2>,
'local_address': IPv4Address(''),
'local_port': 22}],
'process_type': <ProcessType.SSH: 2>},
{'Connections': [{'local_address': IPv4Address(''),
'local_port': 22,
'remote_address': IPv4Address(''),
'remote_port': 54893}],
'process_type': <ProcessType.SSH: 2>}],
'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.SSH: 2>,
'agent': 'red_agent_0',
'session_id': 1,
'username': 'user'}],
'System info': {'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_5',
'OSType': <OperatingSystemType.LINUX: 3>}},
'': {'Interface': [{'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
'Processes': [{'Connections': [{'local_address': IPv4Address(''),
'local_port': 54893,
'remote_address': IPv4Address(''),
'remote_port': 22}]}]},
'action': ExploitRemoteService_cc4,
'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
'agent': 'red_agent_0',
'session_id': 0,
'username': 'ubuntu'}],
'System info': {'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4'}},
'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_5': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.SSH: 2>,
'agent': 'red_agent_0',
'session_id': 1,
'username': 'user'}],
'System info': {'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_5'}},
'success': <TernaryEnum.TRUE: 1>}
The important takeaway from the results observation is
's hostname: contractor_network_subnet_user_host_5
With the user shell acquired, we execute PrivilegeEscalate on contractor_network_subnet_user_host_5
to escalate the shell we have on it to root privileges.
red_withdraw.py | |
Code Output
{'action': PrivilegeEscalate contractor_network_subnet_user_host_5,
'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
'agent': 'red_agent_0',
'session_id': 0,
'username': 'ubuntu'}],
'System info': {'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4'}},
'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_5': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
'Processes': [{'PID': 8381,
'username': 'root'}],
'Sessions': [{'PID': 8381,
'Type': <SessionType.SSH: 2>,
'agent': 'red_agent_0',
'session_id': 1,
'timeout': 0,
'username': 'root'}],
'System info': {'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_5'}},
'success': <TernaryEnum.TRUE: 1>}
Take note of the dictionary of information under both contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4
and contractor_network_subnet_user_host_5
Now a Red root shell has been established on contractor_network_subnet_user_host_5
, we execute Withdraw
to remove this shell and all Red presence.
red_withdraw.py | |
Code Output
{'action': Withdraw contractor_network_subnet_user_host_5,
'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
'agent': 'red_agent_0',
'session_id': 0,
'username': 'ubuntu'}],
'System info': {'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4'}},
'success': <TernaryEnum.TRUE: 1>}
Unlike in the result observation for PrivilegeEscalate
, there is no trace of contractor_network_subnet_user_host_5
. This is because Red has 'withdrawn' its root shell from that host.
Testing Action Success
To test this, we will attempt to run Degrade_Services on contractor_network_subnet_user_host_5
. Degrade_Services
requires Red to have a root shell on the target to work.
red_withdraw.py | |
Code Output
{'action': DegradeServices contractor_network_subnet_user_host_5,
'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
'agent': 'red_agent_0',
'session_id': 0,
'username': 'ubuntu'}],
'System info': {'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4'}},
'success': <TernaryEnum.FALSE: 3>}
has failed: