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Impact attempts to affect services used by green in the mission. This is achieved by stopping the OT (operational technology) service currently running on a host that red has root priviliges on.

This is a powerful action for red, as OT services are essential to the mission and have a large affect on Blue's reward, however OT services are only present on servers in the Operational Zones - which limits this. Consequently, if the OT service is not present on the host that has been impacted, the action will fail.

This action has a few other actions as prerequisities to run successfully. This tutorial will go over them briefly, but for more information on them, check their individual tutorial pages.

Red Agent Preamble

The red agent will only be successful with the Impact action, if they are in Operational Zones A and B. However it can take a while to expand from the contractor network into the operational networks. For this example, a OT service has been created on contractor_network_subnet_server_host_0 to demonstrate a successful Impact action quickly, however this means that this tutorial is not directly repeatable.

The Impact action also requires a red root shell on the host. To get this the following actions must be run:

  • DiscoverRemoteSystems - to find all the hosts on the contractor network.
  • AggressiveServiceDiscovery (or StealthServiceDiscovery) - to find the services on host contractor_network_subnet_server_host_0.
  • ExploitRemoteService_cc4 - to get a user level shell on the host.
  • PrivilegeEscalate - to get a root level shell on the host.

You can refer to the DegradeServices preamble for more details.

Here is the observation space output for the PrivilegeEscalate action, for comparison later:

Code Output
{'action': PrivilegeEscalate contractor_network_subnet_server_host_0,
'contractor_network_subnet_server_host_0': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                                            'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
                                            'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.SSH: 2>,
                                                        'agent': 'red_agent_0',
                                                        'session_id': 1,
                                                        'username': 'root'}],
                                            'System info': {'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_server_host_0'}},
'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_3': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                                        'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
                                        'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
                                                        'agent': 'red_agent_0',
                                                        'session_id': 0,
                                                        'username': 'ubuntu'}],
                                        'System info': {'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_3'}},
'public_access_zone_subnet_server_host_0': {'Interface': [{'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0': {'Interface': [{'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'restricted_zone_b_subnet_server_host_0': {'Interface': [{'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'success': <TernaryEnum.TRUE: 1>}

Impact Action

To perform the Impact action, you only require the hostname, session, and agent parameters.

def perform_impact_action(cyborg):
    action = Impact(hostname='contractor_network_subnet_server_host_0', session=0, agent='red_agent_0')
    return cyborg.step(agent='red_agent_0', action=action)

A successful observation is shown below:

Code Output
{'action': Impact contractor_network_subnet_server_host_0,
'contractor_network_subnet_server_host_0': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                                            'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
                                            'Processes': [{'Known Process': <ProcessName.OTSERVICE: 29>,
                                                            'PID': 8029,
                                                            'process_name': <ProcessName.OTSERVICE: 29>,
                                                            'process_type': <ProcessType.UNKNOWN: 1>,
                                                            'username': 'user'}],
                                            'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.SSH: 2>,
                                                        'agent': 'red_agent_0',
                                                        'session_id': 1,
                                                        'username': 'root'}],
                                            'System info': {'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_server_host_0'}},
'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_3': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                                        'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
                                        'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
                                                        'agent': 'red_agent_0',
                                                        'session_id': 0,
                                                        'username': 'ubuntu'}],
                                        'System info': {'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_3'}},
'success': <TernaryEnum.TRUE: 1>}

In the processes dictionary of the observation space, you can see the stopped OT service.

'Processes': [{'Known Process': <ProcessName.OTSERVICE: 29>,
    'PID': 8029,
    'process_name': <ProcessName.OTSERVICE: 29>,
    'process_type': <ProcessType.UNKNOWN: 1>,
    'username': 'user'}],

This information, alongside 'success': <TernaryEnum.TRUE: 1>, shows that the OT service was stopped.