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Restore reimages a host, removing all malicious activity. Any files altered by the Red Agent will be restored to their previous state.

Red Preamble

The red preamble is the same as for the Remove tutorial, but with shell_type='root'.

The series of actions is as follows:

DiscoverRemoteSystems TRUE
AggressiveServiceDiscovery TRUE
ExploitRemoteService TRUE
PrivilegeEscalate contractor_network_subnet_server_host_0 TRUE
AggressiveServiceDiscovery TRUE
ExploitRemoteService TRUE
PrivilegeEscalate restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0 TRUE

Restore a Host with a Root Shell

Here is an example of a blue agent successfully removing a red root level shell from a host.

cyborg = get_shell_on_rzas0(cyborg=cyborg_with_root_shell_on_cns0(), shell_type='root')
env = cyborg.environment_controller
target_ip = env.state.hostname_ip_map[target_host]

print("Red: Before Restore")

blue_action = Restore(session=0, agent=blue_agent_name, hostname=target_host)
blue_action.duration = 1
obs, _, _, _ = cyborg.parallel_step(actions={blue_agent_name: blue_action})

assert obs['blue_agent_0']['success'] == True

print("Blue: Restore Step")

print("Red: Restore Step")
pprint(obs[red_agent_name[1]] if red_agent_name[1] in cyborg.active_agents else "not an active agents")

You can see from red's observation that the PrivilegeEscalate action was successfull and they now have a red abstract session (shell) with username 'root' (indicating root level privileges).

Code Output

` Red: Before Restore {'action': PrivilegeEscalate restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0, 'contractor_network_subnet_server_host_0': {'Interface': [{'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]}, 'operational_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0': {'Interface': [{'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]}, 'restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''), 'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}], 'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>, 'agent': 'red_agent_1', 'session_id': 0, 'username': 'root'}], 'System info': {'Hostname': 'restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0'}}, 'success': <TernaryEnum.TRUE: 1>}

The Restore actions executes successfully. Remember that the success is an indication of whether the action has successful run through. In this case everything has been restored from a backup so if it is successful then there is no red presence on the host.

Code Output
Blue: Restore Step
{'action': Restore restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0,
'success': <TernaryEnum.TRUE: 1>}

The contents of cyborg's active agent variable shows that the red is no longer active, due to their only shell being removed.

Code Output
Red: Restore Step
'not an active agents'