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Remove results in a red user level shell being removed from the target host.

As this action takes a few time steps, is is worthwhile being sure that a red agent is actually on the host. The feedback in the observation space every step, from the Monitor action, can be used as evidence however Analyse will provide better proof of a shell being on the host.

User vs Root Shells

Remove is not as powerful an action as Restore, which is the equivalent of starting from scratch via backups, which is partially why it takes less time steps to perform. Therefore Remove will NOT be effective against red root shells, only against user shells.

Red Preamble

This tutorial will use the same initial red preamble as the DeployDecoy tutorial, please refer to that for more details about getting a root shell on contractor_network_subnet_server_host_0.

However this tutorial will also require another helper function to get a shell on restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0. In this example, target_subnet and target_host are global variables.

Helper Function
target_subnet = 'restricted_zone_a_subnet'
target_host = target_subnet + '_server_host_0'

def get_shell_on_rzas0(cyborg:CybORG, shell_type:str = 'root'):
    # shell_type = user or root

    env = cyborg.environment_controller
    target_ip = env.state.hostname_ip_map[target_host]

    # Discover a service on restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0
    red_action = AggressiveServiceDiscovery(session=0, agent=red_agent_name[0], ip_address=target_ip)
    results = cyborg.step(agent=red_agent_name[0], action=red_action)
    obs = results.observation
    assert 'AggressiveServiceDiscovery' in str(obs['action'])
    print(obs['action'], obs['success'])
    assert obs['success'] == True

    # Red exploits restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0 to gain a user shell
    action = ExploitRemoteService(ip_address=target_ip, session=0, agent=red_agent_name[0])
    action.duration = 1
    results = cyborg.step(agent=red_agent_name[0], action=action)
    obs = results.observation
    print(obs['action'], obs['success'])
    assert 'Exploit' in str(obs['action'])
    assert obs['success'] == True

    if shell_type == 'user':
        return cyborg

    # Red privilege escalates restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0 to gain a user shell
    red_action = PrivilegeEscalate(hostname=target_host, session=0, agent=red_agent_name[1])
    action.duration = 1
    results = cyborg.step(agent=red_agent_name[1], action=red_action)
    obs = results.observation
    print(obs['action'], obs['success'])
    assert 'PrivilegeEscalate' in str(obs['action'])
    assert obs['success'] == True

    return cyborg

When nesting both helper functions, as shown here:

cyborg = get_shell_on_rzas0(cyborg=cyborg_with_root_shell_on_cns0(), shell_type='user')

You should get the following list of actions:

DiscoverRemoteSystems TRUE
AggressiveServiceDiscovery TRUE
ExploitRemoteService TRUE
PrivilegeEscalate contractor_network_subnet_server_host_0 TRUE
AggressiveServiceDiscovery TRUE
ExploitRemoteService TRUE

Successfully Removing a User Shell

The aim of using the Remove action is to remove a user shell from a target host.

So let's see from both a blue and red perspective, how this action functions successfully. In this scenario, red has managed to get a user shell on restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0.

# start with a cyborg environment with a user shell on `restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0`
cyborg = get_shell_on_rzas0(cyborg=cyborg_with_root_shell_on_cns0(), shell_type='user')
env = cyborg.environment_controller
target_ip = env.state.hostname_ip_map[target_host]

print("Red: Before Remove")

# Run the Remove action
blue_action = Remove(session=0, agent=blue_agent_name, hostname=target_host)
blue_action.duration = 1
obs, _, _, _ = cyborg.parallel_step(actions={blue_agent_name: blue_action})
assert obs['blue_agent_0']['success'] == True

print("Blue: Remove Step")

print("Red: Remove Step")
pprint(obs[red_agent_name[1]] if red_agent_name[1] in cyborg.active_agents else "not an active agents")

Before the shell is removed, you can tell from red's observation that they have managed to get a red abstract session (shell) with username 'user' (indicating it is a user level shell) on restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0. This is the shell that blue will be trying to remove.

There are no other shells that this agent has in this network.

Code Output
Red: Before Remove
{'': {'Interface': [{'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
                'Processes': [{'Connections': [{'Status': <ProcessState.OPEN: 2>,
                                                'local_address': IPv4Address(''),
                                                'local_port': 22}],
                            'process_type': <ProcessType.SSH: 2>},
                            {'Connections': [{'local_address': IPv4Address(''),
                                                'local_port': 22,
                                                'remote_address': IPv4Address(''),
                                                'remote_port': 55532}],
                            'process_type': <ProcessType.SSH: 2>}],
                'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
                            'agent': 'red_agent_1',
                            'session_id': 0,
                            'username': 'user'}],
                'System info': {'Hostname': 'restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0',
                                'OSType': <OperatingSystemType.LINUX: 3>}},
'action': Sleep,
'restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                                        'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
                                            'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
                                                        'agent': 'red_agent_1',
                                                        'session_id': 0,
                                                        'username': 'user'}],
                                            'System info': {'Hostname': 'restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0'}},
'success': <TernaryEnum.UNKNOWN: 2>}

It is confirmed through blue's observation that their action was successful. But there is nothing in the observation space to indicate that the shell has been removed.

Code Output
Blue: Remove Step
{'action': Remove restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0,
'success': <TernaryEnum.TRUE: 1>}

We can confirm through the active agents list in cyborg that the red agent is no longer active. This is because their only shell has been removed - if they had another shell, the observation would show that one of the shells had disappeared.

Code Output
Red: Remove Step
'not an active agents'

Attempting to Remove a Root Shell

Here is an example of what would happen if blue tried to remove a root shell.

It only requires changing one line in our python file. Now instead of a user shell, we have a root shell.

cyborg = get_shell_on_rzas0(cyborg=cyborg_with_root_shell_on_cns0(), shell_type='root')

You can see from red's observation that the PrivilegeEscalate action was successfull and they now have a red abstract session (shell) with username 'root' (indicating root level privileges).

Code Output
Red: Before Remove
{'action': PrivilegeEscalate restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0,
'contractor_network_subnet_server_host_0': {'Interface': [{'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'operational_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0': {'Interface': [{'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                                        'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
                                            'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
                                                        'agent': 'red_agent_1',
                                                        'session_id': 0,
                                                        'username': 'root'}],
                                            'System info': {'Hostname': 'restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0'}},
'success': <TernaryEnum.TRUE: 1>}

The blue observation is the same as for the user level shell. That is because the Remove action has successfully removed any user level shells, there just weren't any to remove.

Code Output
Blue: Remove Step
{'action': Remove restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0,
'success': <TernaryEnum.TRUE: 1>}

You can then see from red's observation that the root shell is still there. This action has been a waste of time for blue.

Code Output
Red: Remove Step
{'action': Sleep,
'restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                                        'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
                                            'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
                                                        'agent': 'red_agent_1',
                                                        'session_id': 0,
                                                        'username': 'root'}],
                                            'System info': {'Hostname': 'restricted_zone_a_subnet_server_host_0'}},
'success': <TernaryEnum.UNKNOWN: 2>}