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Sleep - The Universal Action

Sleep is a valid action for all agents, and results in the agent not choosing to affect the environment on their turn. The action also does not require any parameters to be performed.
example_action = Sleep()

results = cyborg.step(agent=example_agent_name, action=example_action)

However, the returned observations vary slightly between the different agent types, as can be seen below.

{'action': Sleep, 'success': <TernaryEnum.UNKNOWN: 2>}
{'action': Sleep,
'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                                        'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
                                        'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
                                                        'agent': 'red_agent_0',
                                                        'session_id': 0,
                                                        'username': 'ubuntu'}],
                                        'System info': {'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_4'}},
'success': <TernaryEnum.UNKNOWN: 2>}
{'action': Sleep, 'success': <TernaryEnum.UNKNOWN: 2>}

All agents have the same action and success value, however red receives information about what active shell sessions it has in the environment.