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Taking an Action

To construct an action, we choose (or import) an action class, then instantiate it by passing in the necessary parameters.

A fully commented example is shown below:
# import pprint package to allow for better readability of the observation space
from pprint import pprint

# import CybORG as a package, and all the classes needed for this script
from CybORG import CybORG
from CybORG.Agents import SleepAgent
from CybORG.Simulator.Actions import Sleep

steps = 200     

# Initialising the scenario creator for CC4
sg = EnterpriseScenarioGenerator(
    blue_agent_class=SleepAgent,    # agent class used for the blue agents
    green_agent_class=SleepAgent,   # agent class used for the green agents
    red_agent_class=SleepAgent,     # agent class used for the red agents
    steps=steps                     # the number of steps to take for this episode

# Initialising the CybORG environment with the CC4 scenario generator and a fixed seed 
# (seed is optional and will be generated randomly if not supplied)
cyborg = CybORG(scenario_generator=sg, seed=1000)

example_agent_name = 'blue_agent_0' # name of the agent that is going to take the action

example_action = Sleep() # action that the agent is going to take

# the environment takes a step with the given agent and action, and outputs the results from that step
results = cyborg.step(agent=example_agent_name, action=example_action)

# print the observations gained for that agent from that step

The printed observation for the example agent is shown here.

Code Output
    'action': Sleep, 
    'success': <TernaryEnum.UNKNOWN: 2> 

'success' can come in four forms:

  1. TRUE - the action was successful
  2. UNKNOWN - it is not possible to know the success of the action / the action does not support 'success' types
  3. FALSE - the action was unsuccessful
  4. IN_PROGRESS - the action takes multiple steps and has not been completed yet.

The CybORG function parallel_step() allows you to define the actions that multiple agents should take in one step, and get returned all the observations for all the agents.