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Debugging Tools

The True State

In order to help users understand what is going on, it is necessary to be able to pull out the true state of the network at any time. This is obtained by calling the get_agent_state method and passing in agent's name.
from pprint import pprint

from CybORG import CybORG
from CybORG.Simulator.Scenarios.EnterpriseScenarioGenerator import EnterpriseScenarioGenerator
from CybORG.Agents import SleepAgent, EnterpriseGreenAgent, FiniteStateRedAgent

seed = 1234
sg = EnterpriseScenarioGenerator(
cyborg = CybORG(scenario_generator=sg, seed=seed)

true_state = cyborg.get_agent_state('red_agent_0')
Code Output
{'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_2': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                                        'interface_name': 'eth0',
                                                        'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
                                        'Processes': [{'PID': 9267,
                                                        'username': 'ubuntu'}],
                                        'Sessions': [{'PID': 9267,
                                                        'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
                                                        'agent': 'red_agent_0',
                                                        'session_id': 0,
                                                        'timeout': 0,
                                                        'username': 'ubuntu'}],
                                        'System info': {'Architecture': <Architecture.x64: 2>,
                                                        'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_2',
                                                        'OSDistribution': <OperatingSystemDistribution.UBUNTU: 8>,
                                                        'OSType': <OperatingSystemType.LINUX: 3>,
                                                        'OSVersion': <OperatingSystemVersion.UNKNOWN: 1>,
                                                        'position': array([0., 0.])},
                                        'User Info': [{'Groups': [{'GID': 0}],
                                                        'username': 'root'},
                                                        {'Groups': [{'GID': 1}],
                                                        'username': 'user'}]},
'success': <TernaryEnum.UNKNOWN: 2>}

Red's observation is relatively readable, however as Blue and Green have larger observation spaces it can be better to visualise this data as a table.

The TrueStateTableWrapper can show you how to use this wrapper to get out more information about the true state of the environment.

Other Debugging Tools

CybORG has a host of other tools to help understand the agent state.

Get Observation

You can use the get_observation method instead of examining the return from step or parallel_step functions.

obs = cyborg.get_observation('red_agent_0')
Code Output
{'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                            'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                            'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                            'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                            'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                            'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}]},
'action': DiscoverRemoteSystems,
'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_2': {'Interface': [{'Subnet': IPv4Network(''),
                                                        'ip_address': IPv4Address('')}],
                                        'Sessions': [{'Type': <SessionType.RED_ABSTRACT_SESSION: 10>,
                                                        'agent': 'red_agent_0',
                                                        'session_id': 0,
                                                        'username': 'ubuntu'}],
                                        'System info': {'Hostname': 'contractor_network_subnet_user_host_2'}},
'success': <TernaryEnum.TRUE: 1>}

Here you can see the observation that red_agent_0 gained from its last action DiscoverRemoteSystems.

Get Last Action

We have also seen the get_last_action method.
red_last_action = cyborg.get_last_action('red_agent_0')
green_last_action = cyborg.get_last_action('green_agent_0')
blue_last_action = cyborg.get_last_action('blue_agent_0')

print("red_agent_0 last action: ", red_last_action)
print("green_agent_0 last action: ", green_last_action)
print("blue_agent_0 last action: ", blue_last_action)
Code Output
red_agent_0 last action:  [DiscoverRemoteSystems]
green_agent_0 last action:  [GreenLocalWork]
blue_agent_0 last action:  [Sleep]

Note that though blue agent's last action is Sleep, blue has also run its default action 'Monitor'. However, due to it being run every time it is not displayed.

Get Action Space

The get_action_space method allows us to get the action space of any agent. This is space is quite large, so only the keys are printed in this example.
red_action_space = cyborg.get_action_space('red_agent_0')
Code Output
['action', 'allowed_subnets', 'subnet', 'ip_address', 'session', 'username', 'password', 'process', 'port', 'target_session', 'agent', 'hostname']

Get IP Addresses Map

The get_ip_map method allows us to see which hostnames are associated with each ip.


Blue agents are aware of the whole network from the start, however red finds out more depending on its actions.

The CC4 scenario has a large number of hosts, so a smaller subsection is shown in the example.
ip_map = cyborg.get_ip_map()
router_ip_maps = {host: ip for host, ip in ip_map.items() if 'router' in host}
Code Output
{'admin_network_subnet_router': IPv4Address(''),
'contractor_network_subnet_router': IPv4Address(''),
'office_network_subnet_router': IPv4Address(''),
'operational_zone_a_subnet_router': IPv4Address(''),
'operational_zone_b_subnet_router': IPv4Address(''),
'public_access_zone_subnet_router': IPv4Address(''),
'restricted_zone_a_subnet_router': IPv4Address(''),
'restricted_zone_b_subnet_router': IPv4Address('')}

Get Rewards

The get_rewards method allows us to see the rewards for all agents.
rewards = cyborg.get_rewards()
Code Output
{'Blue': {'BlueRewardMachine': 0, 'action_cost': 0},
'Green': {'None': 0.0, 'action_cost': 0},
'Red': {'None': 0.0, 'action_cost': 0}}