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Installation Instructions


The following are required software to begin the installation process:

  • Git
  • Python3 (recommended version 3.10)
  • Pip

Virtual Environment

We recommend using a virtual environment running python 3.10 or later. See 'Optional: Create a Virtual Environment' below' for instructions.


Clone the repository to your machine.

git clone >>>INSERT_URL_HERE<<<

Optional: Create a Virtual Environment

A virtual environment is a self-contained virtual space within which you can download the required software dependencies for a relevant project without risking clashes with others. In this case, it allows your enviroment to be stable, disposable and reproducable.

To create a virtual environment, you must first install the virtualenv module.

Do so thusly:

pip install --user virtualenv

Once downloaded, create a venv using the following command:

python3 -m venv >>>PATH_TO_VENV<<<

>>>PATH_TO_VENV<<< is the directory you want to store the venv in.

To enable the venv:

source >>>PATH_TO_VENV<<</bin/activate

Done with CybORG?

Once you're done, you can disable the venv by simply running the command deactivate


Install the dependencies (as listed in Requirements.txt), ensuring you are in the main directory.

pip install -r Requirements.txt

Locally install CybORG.

Don't run the following command with sudo

pip install -e .

Install the Tcl/Tk GUI toolkit tkinter:

sudo apt install python3-tk --assume-yes

Testing your Install

Run the following tests to check you've installed CybORG correctly.

pytest ./CybORG/Tests/test_cc4