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Visualisation Wrapper: VisualiseRedExpansion

For further information on how to use this wrapper, please go to its tutorial.

Visualisation wrapper that displays the user and root shells acquired by red agents over time, in a series of network graph plots.


Name Type Description
fig matplotlib.pyplot.figure.Figure

graph figure

ax matplotlib.pyplot.axes.Axes

graph axes

slider matplotlib.widgets.Slider

slider to control graph in GUI

collected_networks networkx.Graph

graph of the network

play_view_flag bool

flag for if the graph display is iterating through steps

env SimulationController

CybORG environment used

total_steps int

total number of steps to iterate over

node_label_mapping Dict[str, str]

dictionary mapping host names to the abbreviated labels shown of the graph

host_nodes Dict[str, str]

grouping of host types to hosts

host_interfaces list

list of interfaces as edges between two hosts

pos Dict[str, float]

position of nodes on graph




Automating the running of the visualisation, with visualising each step then outputting the graph.



Render for the visualisation graph plot.



Collecting all the information at each step and adding it to a dictionary, to be used later for the visualisation.