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Discover Deception

Bases: RemoteAction

A Red action that probes a remote host to see if it is running any decoy services.


Name Type Description
session int

The source session id.

agent str

The name of the red agent executing the action.

ip_address IPv4Address

The ip_address of the target host.

target_hostname str

The name of the target host.

duration int

This action takes 2 steps to complete, instead of the default 1.

detection_rate float

The True Positive rate of the red agent to accurately detect whether the host is running a decoy service. A True Positive Rate only includes True Positives and False Negatives.

fp_rate float

The False Positive rate of the red agent to incorrectly detect a normal service as a decoy. Defaults to 10%.



__init__(session: int, agent: str, ip_address: IPv4Address)


Name Type Description Default
session int

The source session id.

agent str

The name of the red agent executing the action.

ip_address IPv4Address

The ip_address of the target host.



execute(state: State) -> Observation

Probes the target host for decoy services.

Action process:
1) Check if there are sessions for the agent on this host

  • if not, return unsuccessful obs

2) Get the route between the source and target/remote host

  • if there is not a valid route (None), return unsuccessful obs

3) Given that there is a valid route, connect to the remote host

  • iterate over all processes on the remote host

  • after a detection_rate attribute check (defaults to 50%), add the process to the obs if it passes

  • return a successful obs regardless of whether a decoy was found


Name Type Description Default
state State

The state of the simulated network at the current step.



Name Type Description
obs Observation

An observation containing an indication of the action's successful execution as True/False, and any detected decoy processes.