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Bases: RemoteAction

The green agent action that represents the green agent 'opening a malicious email' from a red agent.

The action creates a new red shell session on the Host that the green agent has a session on. This gives the red agent a foothold on that system. The red agent that gets the shell session should be located in the same subnet as the green agent.

Attributes: ip_address (IPv4Address): IP address of the host that the green agent has a session on



__init__(session: int, agent: str, ip_address: IPv4Address)

Initalisation of PhishingEmail attributes

Args: session (int): session id agent (str): agent name ip_address (IPv4Address): host IP address


execute(state: State) -> Observation

Execute PhishingEmail action

Args: state (State): current simulation State

Returns: obs (Observation): the resulting observation space due to the action performed