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Bases: RemoteAction

A Green Agent action for communicating with a server.


Name Type Description
src_ip IPv4Address

ip address of source host

dest_ip IPv4Address

ip address of destination host

dest_port int

port number of destination host to be contacted

allowed_subnets list[str]

list of subnets that can be reached according to the mission phase

fp_detection_rate float

the decimal probability that a false positive is created for blue (default=0.01)



__init__(agent: str, session_id: int, src_ip: IPv4Address, allowed_subnets: List[str], fp_detection_rate: float)

Initialisation of green agent access service action.


Name Type Description Default
agent str

the name of the agent performing the access service action (source agent)

session_id int

source agent session id (default=0)

src_ip IPv4Address

ip address of source host

allowed_subnets list[str]

list of subnets that can be reached according to the mission phase

fp_detection_rate float

the decimal probability that a false positive is created for blue (default=0.01)



available_dest_service(state) -> bool

Check if there is an active, reliable service to connect to; prioritising OT services.


execute(state: State) -> Observation

Have the green agent attempt to access a service from another server host, checking routability.

Deciding the destination host is done by random_reachable_ip(). If there are no reachable hosts, then there are no hosts that meet the green agent requirements that are available. This should not be possible without red actions having taken place, therefore the action will be unsuccessful.

Routing is calculated within the RemoteAction parent class, and a network path is returned by _get_my_used_route(). If no path is possible, None type is returned. This results in the action being unsuccessful, as something in the network has been effected (by red or blue) to cause this.

If there is a route, each host on the path is checked against the following points:

  1. Check if the host is blocked

    • If so, add a network_connections event to the host and return an unsuccessful observation
  2. At the fp_detection_rate, add an erroneous network_connections event to the host

If a (unsucessful) observation has not yet been returned, the action has been sussessful and a successful observation is returned.


function closely mimics SendData action execute()


Name Type Description Default
state State

state of simulation at current step



Name Type Description
obs Observation

observation with true or false success


random_reachable_ip(state: State) -> IPv4Address

Finds an ip address that the green agent believes to be reachable.

The green agent has additional knowledge of the subnets that can be access for each mission. This should be applied to its access service choice, as it serves no purpose for someone to try to access a service they know they cannot. This knowledge is found in the agent's ActionSpace variable named allowed_subnets.

  • If the agent knows that it's in an 'allowed_subnet' subnet, it can try to reach out to any other allowed_subnet (including its own).
  • If the agent knows that its subnet has been intentionally cut off due to mission plans (i.e. not in the 'allowed_subnet' list), it will only try to reach out within its own subnet.

The green agent will only reach out to host that are not themselves (as this is covered under the GreenLocalWork Action), and hosts which are servers.


Name Type Description Default
state State

state of simulation at current step



Type Description

ip address of target host