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TTCP CAGE Challenges Logo

TTCP CAGE Challenge 4

The TTCP CAGE Challenges are a series of public challenges instigated to foster the development of autonomous cyber defensive agents. The CAGE Challenges use cybersecurity scenarios inspired by real-world situations.

The challenges use the Cyber Operations Research Gym (CybORG) to provide a cyber simulation for the training and evaluation AI algorithms, such as Deep Reinforcement Learning. The CAGE activity aims to run a series of challenges of increasing complexity and realism.

Where to get started

  1. Download the CybORG package provided with the challenge or download the repository.
  2. Read through the CybORG README, also available on the 'Challenge Details' tab of the documentation.
  3. Read the Tutorials to get a better understanding of CybORG and how to train agents using it.
  4. Explore the Reference section for more in-depth class explanations.
  5. Develop your agent!
  6. Look at the Codalabs webpage for how to submit.

Important Dates

  • 20 Feb 2024: Challenge 4 released. Development phase begins.

  • 29 Mar 2024 23:59 (UTC): Development phase ends. Competition phase begins.

  • 10 May 2024 23:59 (UTC): Competition phase ends. Final results announced on Codalabs leaderboard.

Preparing a submission

Now that your agent has been developed and trained, it's time to get it ready for submission. Submissions are uploaded as zip files containing a file, any model weights, and your agent code that loads the model (if applicable).

To get started, create and move to a staging directory using mkdir staging; cd staging.

Submissions for this challenge must adhere to the following outline:

from CybORG import CybORG
from CybORG.Agents import BaseAgent

from ray.rllib.env.multi_agent_env import MultiAgentEnv
from CybORG.Agents.Wrappers.EnterpriseMAE import EnterpriseMAE

### Import custom agents here ###
from dummy_agent import DummyAgent

class Submission:

    # Submission name

    # Name of your team
    TEAM: str = "TEAM NAME"

    # What is the name of the technique used? (e.g. Masked PPO)

    # Use this function to define your agents.
    AGENTS: dict[str, BaseAgent] = {
        f"blue_agent_{agent}": DummyAgent() for agent in range(5)

    # Use this function to optionally wrap CybORG with your custom wrapper(s).
    def wrap(env: CybORG) -> MultiAgentEnv:
        return EnterpriseMAE(env)

Copy this template to your staging directory as and modify the value of each field to reflect your submission. Agent code can be included directly in this file or be copied to the staging directory and be imported by name.

As seen in the submission template, your custom agents and wrappers must conform to the BaseAgent and MultiAgentEnv types, respectively. Please keep this in mind during development.

Tip for loading weights from file

If your agent is a trained model with weights, include a copy of these weights in the staging directory. Your agent code should load these weights from file using a relative path: load_weights(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/agent_weights.pkl").

Testing your submission

To verify that your agent and associated wrappers will be properly picked up by the evaluation script, test your submission using the evaluation script provided with CybORG: python3 -m CybORG.Evaluation.evaluation --max-eps 2 /path/to/staging /tmp/output. The standard output from this command should closely resemble the following output:

CybORG v4, Scenario4
Using agents {'blue_agent_0': DummyAgent, 'blue_agent_1': DummyAgent, 'blue_agent_2': DummyAgent, 'blue_agent_3': DummyAgent, 'blue_agent_4': DummyAgent}
Results will be saved to /tmp/output/
Average reward is: -18386 with a standard deviation of 2904.794657114337
File took 0:01:33.236403 amount of time to finish evaluation
Saving results to /tmp/output/

Packaging and submitting

The last step before packaging is to create an empty metadata file using touch metadata. This ensures CodaLabs will treat the submission as a code submission and will be forwarded to the evaluation script. It is imperative that this metadata file is empty.

Finally, all the files in the staging directory can be packaged into a zip file for submission using zip ../ *. If you are using a graphical zip utility, ensure that only the files within the staging directory and not the directory itself are included in the zip file. The final package should be similar to the following:

Once the package contents have been verified, upload the zip file to the competition and verify that the submission status is running. At this point, the evaluation process can take up to several hours, so be sure to check back periodically to ensure that the process has not failed.

Additional information

Description of approach

As part of your submission, we request that you share a description of the methods/techniques used in developing your agents. We will use this information as part of our in-depth analysis and comparison of the various techniques submitted to the challenge. In hosting the CAGE challenges, one of our main goals is to understand the techniques that lead to effective autonomous cyber defensive agents, as well as those that are not as effective. We are planning on publishing the analysis and taxonomy of the different approaches that create autonomous cyber defensive agents. To that end, we encourage you to also share details on any unsuccessful approaches taken. Please also feel free to share any interesting discoveries and thoughts regarding future work to help us shape the future of the CAGE Challenges.

We provide a latex template as a guide for writing your description. An examplar description can be found here.

Evaluation results

If you have run the evaluation script locally, please feel free to include your results as part of the submission in an evaluation_output directory in your submission zip file.

To run the evaluation locally, use python3 -m CybORG.Evaluation.evaluation /path/to/staging /path/to/staging/evaluation_output.


If you have any questions or encounter an error, please submit an issue on the challenge forum on CodaLabs. In the case of an error, please provide a detailed description of the circumstances surrounding the error and the full output where possible so that we can replicate the error.